Pokhara—The Gandaki Crusher Entrepreneurs’ Association (GCEA) urged the government to come up with a practical solution as the construction and development-related works came to the halt following the government padlocking in crusher industries, accusing them of not fulfilling the newly formulated criteria.
The association also said that its member industries failed to find the appropriate sites to run their factories as per the new criteria; so, according to GCEA, the government should show them a location that meets the new rules formulated by the government.
‘Government should compensate the entrepreneurs before closing their industries or should leave them, as usual, to run as per earlier criteria during their registration’, said GCEA chairman Surendra Tripathi. According to him, there are 49 crusher industries under GCEA as per the previous registration. Chairman Tripathi also accused the government of protecting illegal crusher industries.
GCEA secretary Chhatra Dhar Atreya urged the government to formulate separate criteria for the mining and processing of crusher-related materials. He also claimed that the CDO office has asked for the construction materials for certain projects, padlocking the crusher industries. ‘The mining works are still on for big government projects,’ he said, the government is showing its double standard in the context of crusher industries.
Gandaki Procince Construction Entrepreneurs’ Aassociation chairman Tankaraj Baral, Nepal Crusher and Mining Industry Entrepreneurs’ Association vice chairman Liladhar Baral and FNCCI Gandaki chairman Sanjiv Bahadur Koirala also put their views during a press meet organized in Pokhara by GCEA on Tuesday.
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