Pokhara— The IME Nepal Literature Festival is going to be wrapped up this evening very soon in Pokhara on Monday. The last day of festival witnessed a remarkable turnout as visitors arrived to add their opinions and voices to a multitude of issues, informed festival director Ajit Baral.
According to him, the day was packed with 10 sessions, and a literature-themed visit. The distribution of DSC Prize for South Asian Literature was also the attraction of the day.
“We had the highest number of international participants and panelists this year, and an equally high number of debuting panelists from all corners of Nepal,” said director Baral, “We are proud to have hosted four days of unique dialogues on a plurality of issues, that will surely foster a culture of discourse and interaction. Our visitors and viewers have also appreciated our efforts to establish and encourage readership, especially among young children.”
“Hosting the DSC Prize has been a special privilege,” added Niraj Bhari, Executive Director of NLF, “It has highly raised Nepal’s visibility in the South Asian and global arena as a neutral ground for gathering and democratic engagements.”
In the morning of the NLF, a group of enthusiastic literature lovers were taken on a tour to the Kabi Shiromani Sangrahalaya in Arghaun-Archale. Visitors enjoyed a walk through the village of the revered poet, and participated in a poetry recitation session by Madhav Biyogi before taking a look back at the history, poetics and life of Kabi Shiromani Lekhnath Paudyal. Paudyal is regarded as the founding father of modern Nepali poetry in the twentieth-century.
Rochak Ghimire regaled the group with anecdotes about the poet. This was an initiation by NLF to initiate literature lovers, especially the youth, to learn about a national treasure. “I fell in love with Paudyal’s poetry before I had learnt his name, and this was an excellent opportunity to know more about him,” said Madan Puraskar Laureate Amar Nyaupane.
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